Transformation & Primal Trust.

"The Sea of Infinite Possibilities" is the most ingenious and comprehensive transformational journey I know, when it comes to transforming deep-seated stresses and cell stores and to FULFILL oneself - completely new.

The vibration of our body and our entire energetic being responds to this quantum field of creation, because exactly THAT is our TRUE NATURE. Here you connect completely with creation itself .... surrender to it and are renewed by it.
Your cells open their stores and let go of everything they have been carrying around for far too long. Complete surrender and connection with EVERYTHING THAT IS - completely consciously.
You are creator and creation at the same time, you put yourself into the "hand of God" and FEEL what this really means for YOU.
You are human and soul at the same time...
You are creation and creator at the same time...
You are body and infinity...
And all that exists in you!

Dive consciously into the sea of infinite possibilities
Let go of everything that burdens you!
Draw into your multidimensional being everything you never allowed yourself to live!
Activate your multidimensional DNA!
Activate your primal vibration!
Feel IN YOU the love of God FOR YOU
Anchor all this in your cells
.... and WAKE UP!

Format: Mp3 download file
Duration: 40 minutes
Overview about the files this product contains