(English below)
Der Einzelunterricht findet entweder online via Zoom statt oder direkt vor Ort in Salzburg.
Die vorgeschlagenen Termine sind nur "Platzhalter", wir können uns gerne einen Termin persönlich dann ausmachen.
Alexandra Grandits, Österreich
// This One-to-one Drawing Tutorials is a Zoom Meeting between you and me, where you can ask me all your questions that came up during the drawing lessons. Or we can talk about any other drawing topics, that you are working on. You can show me your drawings privately and I will give you feedback how to go on with the sketches. I'm looking forward to seeing you! (We can talk in English, German or French.)
The dates proposed are only placeholders. Once selected we can then define a date, that fits you best.
"The tutorial is a great offer. To talk to Barbara and learn from her drawing expertise helped me a lot for the next steps. Barbara explained me step by step how to draw my ideas. I was really surprised how easy it can be."
Alexandra Grandits, Austria