Session 1: Overview on the Course - 54 min
Michael Hamblin, PhD Professor of Dermatology, Havard Medical School, Boston, USA
- The origin of the scientific records
- Types of peer-reviewed scientific articles
- Non-peer reviewed publications
- Authorship criteria
- Importance of peer-review
- Structure of an original research article
- How should we read a scientific article?
- Different components of the scientific article
- How to write a cover letter?
- Manuscript submission
Session 2: How to Prepare a Research Proposal? - 17 min
Marvin Berman, PhD, CBT QuietMIND Foundation & Associates, Philadelphia, USA
- What is the function of a research proposal?
- How we must convince the proposal review board (PRB)?
- Essential components of a research proposal
- Component #1: Working Title
- Component #2: Introduction & Research Problem
- Component #2: Introduction & Research Problem (cont.)
- Component #3: Literature Review
- Component #4: Methodology (Research Design)
- Component #5: Research Management
- Component #6: Ethical Considerations
Session 3: How to Do an Effective Literature Search? - 26 min
Daniel Bourassa, PhD Post-Doctoral Fellow, Biological & Biomedical Sciences, Einstein Medical Institute, Florida, USA
- Some steps for effective literature searching
- Developing a research question
- Relevant keywords
- Using Boolean operators
- What sources we should use?
- Widely used databases 1: Web of Science (WOS)
- Widely used databases 2: PubMed
- Widely used databases 3: Scopus
- Widely used databases 4: Google Scholar
- How to use Google Scholar to find scientific articles?
- Some other non-obvious sources
- Evaluation of literature for quality
- Build a reference database
- Popular reference management software
Session 4: How to Read a Scientific Article Efficiently? - 17 min
Anita Saltmarche, BScN, MHSc Clinical Gerontologist, Saltmarche Health & Associates, Toronto, Canada
- Typical structure of the scientific article
- How to get the most out of an article with the least effort?
- Phase I
- Phase II
- Phase III
- What else we should do?
- Review of example articles
Session 5: Scientific Article: “Introduction” Section - 35 min
John Mitrofanis, PhD Professor of Anatomy & Histology, University of Sydney, Australia
- What is the role of introduction in a scientific article?
- Why is introduction very important?
- Length & structure of the introduction section
- What information should be included in the introduction?
- Typical flow of the introduction 1: Subject area & topic of research
- Typical flow of the introduction (cont.) 2: Establishing the context
- Typical flow of the introduction (cont.) 3: Literature review
- Typical flow of the introduction (cont.) 4: Purpose statement or hypothesis
- Typical flow of the introduction (cont.) 5: Methodological approaches
- Some tips!
Session 6: How Does the Literature Review Should be done? - 27 min
Miriam Henke, MSc Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Adelaide, South Australia
- What is the literature?
- Why the literature review is important?
- What does the literature review do?
- Different types of literature review
- Common approaches to structure the literature review
- How we should actually review the literature we found?
- Some tips!
- Review of example articles
Session 7: Scientific Article: “Methods” Section - 28 min
Theodore Henderson, MD, PhD Neuropsychatrist, Neuro-Laser Foundation, Denver, USA
- Methods section: an overview
- Different types of research works
- What questions should be answered in the methods section?
- Typical flow of methods section 1: Materials & study design
- Typical flow of methods section 2: Major measurements & calculations
- Typical flow of methods section 3: Statistical analysis
- Some tips!
- Review of example articles
Session 8: Scientific Article: “Results” Section - 28 min
Daniel Johnstone, PhD Post-Doctoral Fellow of Physiology, University of Sydney, Australia
- What is the results section?
- Organization of the results
- Some styles for reporting data
- Designing the Figures & Tables
- Captions for the Figures & Tables
- Some tips!
- Review of example articles
Session 9: Scientific Article: “Discussion & Conclusion” Sections - 44 min
Paolo Casano, MD, PhD Assistant Professor of Psychatry, Havard Medical School, Boston, USA
- What is the discussion all about?
- What does the discussion look like?
- Discussion section should answer some questions
- How should we organize the contents in the discussion?
- Some tips for enriching discussion section!
- What is the conclusion all about?
- Language used in the discussion section
Session 10: Scientific Article: “Abstract” Section - 17 min
Marvin Berman, PhD, CBT QuietMIND Foundation & Associates, Philadelphia, USA
- What is an abstract?
- Main functions of journal abstract
- Main types of abstracts
- Essential elements for an abstract
- Some tips!
- Review of example articles
Session 11: English in Academic and Research Settings - 16 min
Sarah Turner, MSc Clinical Neuroscientist, London, UK
- What should you do after the writing the manuscript?
- Most common writing errors
- Common language errors in scientific article writing #1
- Plagiarism!
- Active or passive voice?
- Which verb tenses should we use in a research article?
- Present tense
- Simple past tense
- Present perfect tense
- Conclusion
Session 12: Journal Article Submission Process - 34 min
Liisa Laakso, PhD Professor of Physiotherapy, Griffith University, Australia
- Journal article submission process: Overview
- What should be done immediately after writing the manuscript?
- Authorship criteria & problems
- Journal (publication) metrics
- Journal metrics: Impact Factor - background
- Different types of scientific journals
- Selecting a journal for a publication
- How to write a journal submission cover letter?
- Manuscript formatting & final actions
Session 13: Journal Article Review Process - 27 min
Michael Hamblin, PhD Professor of Dermatology, Havard Medical School, Boston, USA
- Journal article review process
- Step 1: Submission of the manuscript & initial checks
- Step 2: Appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief
- What is the journals’ typical standpoint?
- Why does immediate rejection happen?
- High Impact journals
- Step 3: Invitation to reviewers & response to invitations
- Step 4: Review is performed & Journal assesses the reviews
- Step 5: Decision is communicated & Revision is submitted
- Important issues that should be considered in journal submission
Session 14: Giving an Effective Oral Conference Presentation - 21 min
Joseph DiDuro, DC, MS, DABCN Chiropractic Neurologists ProNeuroLIGHT LLC, Phoenix, USA
- Use an OUTLINE
- Common presentation problems
- Some important factors!
- Some tips!