Aspherix® Online Course
Flexible Start DateCourse Goals
- Learning the basics of numerical particle simulations with the "Discrete Element Method" (DEM)
- Overview of the theory of contact models, timestep restrictions, material calibration, etc.
- Learn to use Aspherix® via GUI and command line
- Postprocessing of Aspherix® simulations
- Usage of functionalities such as coarsegraining, nonspherical particles, 6dof mesh solvers
one-way coupling with transient flow fields and drag modelling in general - Basic material calibration: find correct model parameters for a material
- Participants learn to extend Aspherix® via the API
Course Content
Theory Granular Materials
Theory DEM
How to access and use AWS Workspaces
Structure of a simulation case
The effect of Coarsegraining
Using a 6dof solver
Simulation of nonspherical particles
One-way coupling with transient flow fields
Aspherix® Solver API
Aspherix® Solver loops and variables
Bonus: Drag modelling with with Aspherix® and CFDEM®coupling
Course plan
Aspherix® Online Course