Creating a financial plan is not quite easy for inexperienced individuals. Getting a financial plan created by the professionals at Angelus Group means seeking professional help to achieve your goals. With the experts at Flubes Invest, an individually tailored and perfectly fitting financial plan is developed. Collaborating with our experts brings many advantages for you. A financial plan is always created for a specific purpose (loan application, grants, attracting investors, etc.), and the plan must fit that purpose exactly. Ultimately, you want to achieve your goals. In addition to the necessary know-how, we have years of experience. We deliver the perfect result for you. A professional financial plan from us includes a detailed description of the business project. Additionally, we provide a market and competition analysis. We develop an objectively sustainable and verifiable set of numbers. Quality naturally comes at a price. However, we always calculate based on the actual effort required. We individually calculate each financial plan and always offer you a fixed price guarantee.