Discover Your Ancestor’s Journey with the 5-Day Mini Course “Roots Revealed”!
Get instant access to 5 in-depth video lessons answering all of your most burning questions about your German ancestors – why they left, how they traveled, and what they faced in America.
Plus, a workbook to plan your own ancestry-inspired dream trip to Germany!
The Course is designed to be completed in 5 days. But you can also take more or less time – it’s totally up to you.
The Mini Course includes:
✅ 5 expert-led videos uncovering your ancestors’ emigration journey from Germany to the USA
✅ A step-by-step workbook to trace their path & plan your own trip
✅ Fascinating stories from the example emigrants from three different time periods: 1834, 1871 and 1909.
Start your journey today and walk in your ancestors’ footsteps tomorrow!