The yoga empowerment program was designed to make you stronger, more confident and conscious about your body and the way you move.

After finishing this program you will:

  • feel more confident & empowered in body & posture

  • know the most important yogaposes & flows

  • be stronger than before

  • be more flexible

  • be more aware of your breath & how it works while you move

  • flow smoother & with ease through your yoga flows

  • find peace, serenity & self-consciousness

  • have the perfect base for a strong & save practice in future

This program contains:
  • Yoga Fundamental Basics Program including Tutorials of the most important yoga poses & Fundamental Basics E-Book
  • 10 Yoga Flows with different topics
  • 5 Warrior Workouts targeting all body parts needed
  • 15 Tutorials about the most important yoga poses within the program
  • 4 Guided Meditations
  • 1 Warrior Workbook with additional exercises
  • Stretch, Rest & Restore Guide
  • One full Masterclass (60 minutes)
  • 8 week full mail & WAPP support
  • 4 Performance 1:1 Calls with me as your Personal Coach

Watch the preview to see how the program is built up:

How the program works:

Each chapter contains workouts targeting specific muscle groups in your body and preparing you for a new yoga flow that comes along with a certain topic. The workouts and flows are not longer than 30 minutes each so that you can integrate them perfectly into your weekly routine. If you find more time you can do the workout as a warm up and then try the flow directly after. In the Warrior Workbook you will find additional exercises to prepare you for the workouts and flows. Supported by guided meditations we will set up the right mindset for you to empower yourself throughout the weeks and your personal growth. Besides the E-Books you will find bonus materials such as a stretching and recovery guide until we will finish up with a 60-minutes masterclass by the end of the program.

Who is going to guide you


my name is Sara Lyn. I am a yoga teacher with around 10 years of professional experience in teaching yoga in different styles and Pilates. I absolved 500hrs of teacher trainings in Ashtanga, Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga in Goa and Rishikesh in India. My dancer background (17 years of classical ballet) and my dedicated practice in martial arts brings together a wide spectrum of physical understanding in movement coming together with a strong mindset. My mission is to convey body awareness & mental power through my teachings and support you to build up a strong, save & confident practice.

Course plan

Yoga Empowerment
Warrior Workbook
Stretching Guide
Gentle Warm-Up Flow
Sun Salutations
Week 1: Alignment
Week 2: Legs & Balance
Week 3: Core & Conditioning
Week 4: Happy Hips & Mobility
Week 5: Healthy Back & Heart Openers
Week 6: Strong Shoulders & Full Body Stability
Week 7: Retreat to Rest
Week 8: Masterclass