Time for a new meditative, mystical and unique sound dimension you have never experienced on your MPC before. With our latest MPC Expansion "Mystical Handpan" you are feeding your MPC with brand new and innovative sounds which you can't find in any other expansion.
We have deeply sampled a very rare, expensive and handmade handpan with twelve tone fields in different velocities and playing styles. This MPC Expansion is the world's first MPC Handpan Expansion. It is for MPC Key 61, MPC Key 37, MPC Live 2, MPC Live, MPC X & MPC One, Akai Force, MPC Software and MPC Beats software. The sounds have been optimized for standalone mode and can be used in controller mode as well! In controller mode also usable for MPC Touch, MPC Renaissance and MPC Studio.
We have included eight chromatically organized keygroup programs with up to eight velocity layers and one drum program for sound effects. This expansion is huge and has over 827 WAV files (44.1 kHz / 24-bit) and about 580 MB. The MPC Expansion is optimized for standalone use, but can also be used in the MPC software.
We have recorded a handpan which has been tuned in "C# Celtic Minor". For that we've used multiple mics to capture the unique sound character and to create a good stereo field of the handpan. All keygroup MPC instruments of this expansion are organized chromatically so that you can play different scales on your pads or keyboard.
The MPC Expansion Mystical Handpan also includes the so called "harmonics" and the "ding" of the instrument.Here are the keygroup contents you get with the expansion:
- Long Fields (8 velocity layers per pad)
- Long Harmonics (8 velocity layers per pad)
- Muted Fields (8 velocity layers per pad)
- Muted Harmonics (8 velocity layers per pad)
- Tremolo (4 velocity layers per pad)
- Pitchbends (1 velocity layer per pad)
- Nails (1 velocity layer per pad)
- Knuckles (1 velocity layer per pad)
- EFX (1-4 layers per pad)