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Legacy MP3 Sammlung – Piano Music by Mark Fox
Herzlich Willkommen
Sammlung I: Soft Morning
1. Soft Morning (MP3 + Video)
2. Shimmers
3. Daybreak
4. Till You Are Here
5. First Smile (MP3 + Video)
6. Faraway
7. Touched Twice
8. Dreams
9. Blue Breeze
10. Hand in Hand (MP3 + Video)
Sammlung II: Carousel
1. Butterfly
2. All I Give
3. Music Box
Music Box als Hörprobe
4. Reflections
5. Carousel
6. Light Through the Window
7. A Road Less Traveled
8. Ascension
9. Breaking Through (MP3 + Video)
10. A Happy Learner
11. Last Look
Music Box
Speed: 1x
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