The concept of Deep Learning utilizes deep neural nets to accomplish task from artificial intelligence like:
- Computer Vision: Image Classification, Object Detection / Tracking
- Natural Language Understanding: Text Analyses, Language Translation, Image Caption Generation...
- ...
The Book Deep Learning Examples with PyTorch and fastai - A Developers' Cookbook is full of practical examples on how to apply the deep learning frameworks PyTorch and fastai on different problems.
What's inside the book?
- Build an Image Classifier from Scratch
- How does SGD – Stochastic Gradient Descent - work?
- Multi-Label Classification
- Cross-Fold-Validation
- FastAI – A Glance on the internal API of the deep learning framework
- Image Segmentation
- Style-Transfer
- Server deployment of deep learning models
- Keypoints Detection
- Object Detection
- Super-resolution GANs
- Siamese Twins
- Tabular Data with FastAI
- Ensembling Models with TabularData
- Analyzing Neural Nets with the SHAP Library
- Introduction to Natural Language Processing