This 6-week program provides you with a clear roadmap filled with exercises and templates to guide you in becoming a sustainability expert - and finding impactful work that is aligned with your values. ✨

It includes:

> 6 x 60-Minute Live Sessions: Professional insights and Q&A (one session per week)
> Full Access to the Community Platform: Connect with fellow Change Agents throughout the program to share resources, feedback and support
> Best Practice Guides, Exercises, and Templates: Strategic support for your job search in the impact field with proven tools from my past 10 years of working as sustainability consultant and impact mentor


> 2 Extra Sessions: Get to know your peers in a Kick-Off Event and celebrate your achievements together a month after the program to hold each other accountable
> Dedicated Virtual Spaces: to co-create and exchange ideas with Change Agents from other programs
> Sustainability tools: to hone your sustainability skills - Extra Modul + on demand
> 1 Month Extra access to community platform

Become part of "the sustainability bubble", learn to speak the language and - walk the talk! 🦋

Course plan

Introduction & Onboarding
Week 1 - Your Passion & Purpose
Week 2 - Your Impact Field
Week 3 - Your Impact Role
Week 4 - Your USP
Week 5 - Your Voice: Profile & Positioning
Week 6 - Your Pathway: Action Plan & Network-weaving
BONUS - Sustainability Tools