Therapists use Laser Therapy / Photobiomodulation either globally for a wide range of applications (general practitioners, naturopaths) or for a few selected indications (specialists, physiotherapists, geriatric nurses, etc.). We offer training courses for both types of users.
Zertifizierungsmodul - Ausbildungszertifikat Phototherapeut/in (COLLL) zum Großen Kurs der Photobiomodulation
Englischsprachige Onlinekurse
Certified training human medicine
Specialized courses human medicine
Theme courses human medicine
Therapists use Laser Therapy / Photobiomodulation either globally for a wide range of applications (general practitioners, naturopaths) or for a few selected indications (specialists, physiotherapists, geriatric nurses, etc.). We offer training courses for both types of users.